our collective ancestors lived in small hunter-gatherer groups deeply interconnected with each other and the natural world around them. Among today's remaining hunter-gatherers, this multi-generational and multi-species support network that evolved over millennia still grows healthy, autonomous and helpful children who are a pure joy to be around.
Our physiology still requires these optimal growing conditions to reach our full potential as human beings. Yet, modern society has normalized the degradation of our physical, emotional and mental health.
It can be hard to hold strong to our values and raise our children the way our natural instinct guides us to without relegating them to a system that doesn't support their true health and happiness.
This is why we created the Natural Families Network. A learning, mentoring and support community for conscious parents who want to raise their children with deep nature connection and living culture empowered by a multi-generational village.
A long time ago,
By joining this community, you will:
Grow meaningful relationships to the natural world together with your children
Integrate core routines of deep nature connection into your family's everyday life
Learn to apply a time-tested cultural map to build nature-connected community where you live
Learn how to optimize connection to nature, self and people for your children from the beginning of life
Be supported to trust your instinct in adopting parenting practices that best support your children's health and happiness
Learn to support your family's overall health through wild and ancestral foods
Have an opportunity to build long lasting connections with others on the same path who care deeply about our children and the Earth
This community is a good fit for you if:
You want more for your children's nature connection than just dropping them off at a nature program, you want nature connection to be part of your family's everyday life
You've always wanted to go on the deep nature connection journey yourself but feel like you can't do it while being a parent
You feel like you've given up on your own nature connection journey since becoming a parent
You want your children to eat real wholesome food that helps them thrive
You want to parent in a gentle loving way
You know deep in your heart and soul that there's a better way to raise children than what passes as “normal” in today's society and you are seeking the time tested parenting practices that helped our species thrive for millenia
You are overwhelmed with the amount of conflicting expert parenting advice that seems to change every year
You want babies to be born into connection and belonging
You feel that the health and happiness of mothers is essential to the health and happiness of a whole culture
Natural Families Network
What's Included:
A private on-going, online community container led and moderated by Arnaud,Kristyna and our experienced network of nature-connected mentors. This space is for sharing your stories and challenges with a community of like-minded parents. Gain access to the collective intelligence of a network of deeply committed nature-connected parents.
Monthly LIVE 1.5hr Zoom gatherings facilitated by Kristyna and/or Arnaud. We recommend attending live calls to interact and integrate the material.
Monthly nature connection activities for parents and kids to start implementing the core routines and create a healthy family culture.
Monthly village building activities to help you create nature connected community around your family wherever you are in the world.
Monthly tools to support our own personal growth as parents to help us show up for our children with deep presence and the fullness of our body, mind, heart and spirit.
Expert Sessions by leaders and teachers from a wide range of backgrounds related to parenting, nature connection, unschooling, village building, culture repair, healing, and more
Curated Resource List for parenting, deep nature connection, village building, healing and ancestral nutrition.
All this in a easily digestible format we've designed specially not to overwhelm parents who's time and energy we deeply value
Curriculum Includes:
Holistic Wildlife Tracking
Bird Language
Edible & Medicinal Plants
Ancestral Skills (e.g. Friction fire, basketry, shelter building, etc.)
Inner Tracking
Renewal of Creative Path
Village Building
Cultural Mentoring
Cultural Repair and Regenerative Design
Developing personal connection to Spirit
Accessing the healing powers of Nature
Pre and perinatal psychology
Attachment Parenting
About your main facilitators,
Kristyna, Arnaud... and Nolan!
Arnaud is a papa, holistic wildlife tracker, ceremonial facilitator, modern day hunter gatherer and capoeirista. He brings his lineage and 20 years experience in deep nature connection facilitation. You can read more about him on the About page.
Kristyna is a mama and holistic postpartum care practitioner with a natural gift for energy healing. She is deeply exploring the field of pre and perinatal psychology. She gave birth to their son Nolan at home naturally and is selflessly dedicated to the sacred duty of being a mother. You can read more about her at kristynashea.com
Nolan is a 4 year old with uninhibited natural instincts. He grew up at home with his loving parents close to beings of the natural world. He's been tending fires since before he was 2 and he uses sharp knives. He can become a bobcat, a coyote or many other animals of who he recognizes the tracks and sign of. He doesn't have a website yet ;)
Together, they are dedicated to being the change they want to see in the world. They do the best they can to live a natural life within modern times and are committed to helping other families thrive by accessing their birthright of a life in alignment with the natural cycles around and within us.
Rewild Your Family
In-person intro workshop
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Experience how hunter-gatherer ways can enhance your family's modern l...
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45 Canadian dollars
There are probably as many definitions of unschooling as there are unschoolers. For us, unschooling is just that... no school!
It is not about staying home and trying to do public school. There is no attachment to any particular agenda or outcome besides helping the children grow to become the full expression of their natural selves. We believe nature connection
Our approach isn't child centred in the sense that the adults lives revolve around what the children are doing, we take the hunter-gatherer approach where the adults do what they do and the children are always with them.
The key however, is for our lives to involve activities that bring us to our natural selves in connection with the Earth.
Our approach is child centred in the sense that we are always attentive to the children and their true needs. We stand strong with our inner knowing that children belong with their families, in nature and in community.
Nature Connection and Natural Living
Connection to the natural world, for us, is not just a hobby that feels good on the weekends, it is a birthright that is essential to the healthy development of all human beings. We believe in starting early with our children and that all adults must embark on the journey no matter how old they start at, it's never too late!
On one hand, we see natural living as doing our very best to provide for our basic needs with the least amount of industrial interference possible. Some examples include shopping at the farmer's market, getting our lumber from a local mill that supports sustainable harvest or using herbs instead of pharmaceuticals. We are also aware of the time it will take for humans to return to balance with the Earth and that we can't do it all at once. The question we ask is: What is the best we can do right now? The answer will be different for each family and individual.
The other aspect of natural living that is highly important to us is more of a spiritual practice. The pace of modern life is anything but natural. It has become normalized to be stressed, busy, overwhelmed and overworked. Being busy has become a badge of honour. It is “normal” to let strangers raise our kids while we use stimulants to override our bodies in the pursuit of money to pay for things we have been told we need. We are aware of privilege in the world and that there a lot of people who's circumstances don't allow many options, however most of us have more choice that we may think. Most me people in the modern world need to slooooooow down. Natural living is about learning from the animals and living with a peaceful relaxed state as a baseline. To do this in the modern world we really need to create space in our lives. We ask ourselves these questions constantly: What's really important to us? What do we really need?
Village Building and Culture Repair
It takes a village to raise a child. Again, the structures of society have failed us. Our villages we closer to circles, they blended with their natural surroundings. Now, we live in lifeless grids imposed upon the landscape with bulldozers and dynamite that are designed for people to fuel the needs of industry. Our communities have become fragmented and nearly non-existent. There's a lot of movement in the western world towards intentional community, why do these projects have a 95% failure rate? We see two reasons: Historic Trauma and Capitalism (which was essentially born from Historic Trauma). People come together in co-located situations with ideals of building a community then they bump against the structures such as land ownership and capital investment which create power dynamics. Then add to the mix that we all carry so many unconscious disconnective patterns from thousands of years of unprocessed ancestral grief and trauma. Well, enough said...
We don't claim to have all the answers to getting ourselves out of this mess and living together again but through our lineage and personal experience we have some guidance as to what might be good practices for the time we live in. We are not putting the roof on the house, we are merely staking out the foundation. To us, this means bringing the natural world back into the forefront of our lives, healing our unprocessed trauma and learning to regulate our nervous systems. Village building today means aligning schedules with people who share values and sharing simple connective activities together.
The call to this path is often deeply felt yet it can be hard to explain or rationalize. If you are feeling a pull and still have some questions, feel free to contact us.