NEW Online Course: Tracking as a Way of Life
9 Week Live Online Holistic Tracking Course
Cultivate your full sensory and cognitive potential through the art of Holistic Tracking in this 9 week live online course. This playful, embodied and soulful approach to tracking will deeply enrich your experience of modern life as well as your time in nature.
“Tracking is the doorway to awareness and awareness is the doorway to spirit”
-Grandfather Staking Wolf
“Tracking is the doorway to awareness and awareness is the doorway to spirit”
-San Bushman Hunter in The Great Dance
Free Class: The Magic of Tracking
Recording available if you can’t make it live
Holistic Tracking means tracking with our whole being: Mind, Body, Heart and Spirit. It also means that what we absorb from experiencing the animals' stories on the land enhances all aspects of our human lives. Come discover the magic of this ancient art that activates the full capacity of our senses and cognitive abilities like nothing else can!
In this 2hr free session you will get an introduction to the Elders of Tracking the powerful holistic tracking methodology I was and continue to be mentored in by master tracker Jon Young.
The session will also serve as an intro to my upcoming 9 week online course called Tracking as a Way of Life and will give you a good idea of how I teach and facilitate. The free event will closely mimic the sessions in the 9 week course and will include teachings, a field exercise done together in real time and an opportunity to share your stories in a connective container.
In both the free event and 9 week course, I'll be focusing on the playful, embodied and intuitive aspect of tracking rather than the rigorous scientific aspect.
Self-paced Mini Courses
These mini courses are a good way to get started on your journey at your own pace in your own place. Start learning at a lower cost, focusing on the topics that interest you most in the moment. More courses will be added in the future so make sure you join our mailing list to hear about new offerings.

Activating Curiosity and Sacred Questions
CA$25.00 or One on One Mentoring - 8 Sessions